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The Kunikida Archive

this page will help you contact me, Kana, for a variety of reasons!

"what reasons should I contact you for?"

there are lots of reasons to contact me, although I would really like to keep communaction not related to this site to a minum, so heres a generel guide to what you should and shouldn't contact me for

I know the "shouldn't" options seem a bit harsh, but I'm not personally comfortable talking to people I do not know online in an buisness unrealted manner, it does not make me feel safe. As for the "work not being added" I just get very busy very easily, and people asking why I hadn't added their work has a potienal to make me very stressed, which is not good for my current mental health. When I see people's work, I try my best to let them know whether or not their work will/has been added. -thank you for understanding Kana