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The Kunikida Archive

Welcome to the site updates page! here, you can find a log of updates made to site!

11/25/2024: The kunikida Archive is created, the navagation bar is coded in.

11/26/2024: This page (site updates) is created with a lot of diffuclity on my part with the colors (this site is my first coding project)

11/26/2024: I update the code to be able to switch between pages

11/26/2024 Most base pages have been added and people can now switch through pages through the top navagation bar! whether or not the pages have relevant content them is a diffrent story....

11/26/2024 The first work is officaly added! (not without great diffuclty and formatting errors) I'm happy I've gotten this far! If anyone see's this site now, it'll acutally have some content!

12/2/2024 Ack! So much has changed, but I kept forgetting to update this page! First, I added the images tab, which took me a while to figure out how to host the images, but I figured out! Then I switched over to my tablet to make a few buttons for this site, which didnt take me that long. (although only two of those buttons have actually been implemanted) Then I had to switch the works page (the page that hold the links to all works) to a new page for the purpose of the buttons on the home page. I think that might be all, I don't really remember, sorry.

12/2/2024 I update the about page!

Thats all for now! thanks for reading - Kana