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The Kunikida Archive

This is a page for images of Kunikida I find appealing :3

Kunikida yelling agry at his phone
Kunikida pushing up his glasses in poor lighting
Kunikida calmly reading his ideals
Kunikida plush in comfy shark outfit
Wan Kunikida giving you a thumbs up
Highly disturbed Kunikida in the outside world
Kunikida staring angryily at something from an above angle
Kunikida staring dissaproving at eight empty bowls
wounded Kunikida wincing
Wan Kunikida eating poki and smiling while playing a hand-held console
Kunikida holding a tilted glass of red liqiud smiling in what looks like a part setting
Angry kunikida holding his ideals book with a pink satin bow in his hair
Kunikida turning his head and looking quizically at the camera
Wan Kunikida with a heavily decroted green border
Kunikida cringing as he has his hands postioned over a line of books
kunikida looking very nervous as sweat drips down his face
Kunikida with an elated expression talking on the phone
Kunikida, actually, I'm not sure what he's doing here, but he looks gorgeus either way